Technical assistance for beaver conflicts and habitat: (541) 933-0182

BDAs in Practice - ON Day Workshop for Restoration

BDAs in Practice - Workshop Recordings

Central and eastern Oregon watershed restoration practitioners gathered May 3, 2022 for this one day workshop around low-tech process-based restoration approaches such as BDAs and biological considerations.

Participants learned:
  • Introduction to the science, purpose, and need for low-tech process-based restoration approaches such as BDA’s
  • Low-tech restoration planning, design, and monitoring.
  • BDA do’s / don’ts and insights – when to BDA, PAL, or alternatives
  • Answers on project designs (for those with project designs in progress)
  • Navigating an ever-changing permitting landscape
  • Multi-phased implementation considerations: – Monitoring (what’s working /not working, and how to adapt) – BDA integrity over time – Biological function and vegetation for beaver recruitment and other wildlife
  • Knowledge of available resources and where to learn more
BDA design and implementation in eastern Orego

Presenters Nick Weber and Jefferson Jacobs – BDA design and implementation practitioners in eastern Oregon – will share the latest in process-based planning, design and implementation along with practical considerations for beaver recruitment.

bda designer

Nick Weber
Process Based Restoration Designer, Anabranch Solutions

Nick is a skilled designer and fish ecologist who runs Oregon projects on behalf of Anabranch Solutions. As part of the original Bridge Creek Intensively Monitored Watershed project team, Nick was integral in the refinement of restoration approaches using beaver dam analogues.

bda restoration coordinator

Jefferson Jacobs
Riparian Restoration Coordinator, ONDA

Jefferson has worked as a professional field biologist for nearly three decades. Since 2008, Jefferson has collaborated on, organized and designed dozens of restoration projects across eastern Oregon. As the field of riparian restoration has evolved he’s incorporated new knowledge, such as “stage zero”, Beaver Dam Analogues and process-based thinking, into restoration project designs aimed specifically at beaver recruitment and establishment.

New to BDAs or Process Based Restoration? You may be interested in this reading and videos, built on in the workshop: