Technical assistance for beaver conflicts and habitat: (541) 933-0182


With your support, we’re raising widespread awareness of the central importance of beavers to both people and wildlife in Oregon. Beaver Works recently expanded our capacity to support landowners in Oregon, which means you can expect: 
  • more volunteer events contributing to natural beaver recovery at restoration sites throughout Central and Eastern Oregon,
  • more efforts to access funds aimed at improving climate resiliency and watershed health through beaver habitat restoration,
  • more opportunities planned to engage Oregonians on key issues relating to beaver policy, science, and advocacy,
  • and more resources and direct support for landowners to successfully share place with beavers.
Your tax deductible gift will support Think Wild’s Beaver Works Oregon program in 2024 and beyond. Donations are accepted online, and you can also mail a gift to 
Think Wild/Beaver Works
62410 Erickson Road
Bend, OR 97701